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Welcome to, one of the largest ONLINE full display of Ramones memorabilia and live recordings in the world.  I created this website to catalog my collection and to show Ramones fans the different types of memorabilia there is of the band. 

I have been a Ramones fan since 1983 and a complete fanatic since 1992.  Once I started collecting and attended numerous Ramones events….there was no looking back.  My website has given me several opportunities.  Those include contributing to, launching CJ Ramone’s YouTube page, coming out in two books, several magazines and many websites.  My most recent opportunities came in 2010 when I became the Webmaster of and in 2013 when I became the Webmaster of  These have taken me to another level and something I never thought would ever happen.  I am very grateful for my collection and opportunities.   

“Before Elvis, there was nothing….After Elvis….there were the Ramones”


CJ RAMONE:  That's great that you do so much to keep the Ramones legacy alive.  It's funny how their music inspired so many peoples lives.  I really feel honored to have played with them.  I always felt a strong bond with the fans because I knew exactly how they felt, having been one of the Ramoniacs long before my first audition.  In fact, I felt proud to represent Ramones fans everywhere while I played with the Band.  You are a great example of the passion they inspired in so many people.  Keep doing what you are doing, we need to make sure the world never forgets what they did for music and the lives of all their fans. 


It was a blessing! Gaston is one of the most hardcore Ramones Fanatics I have ever met. He's working hard to keep the Ramones Alive and Thank him for it!!!



ARTURO VEGA: Welcome to, my name is Arturo Vega, I worked for the Ramones as the creative director for their entire career and continue to do so for their legacy, so yes it feels like I have been doing this forever.  My good friend Gaston, who is the webmaster of this joint managed through a lot of hard work, dedication and hard-core love for kick ass rock to create a website which the main feature is the music itself. Ramonesforever is primarily a music trading website, true to the gospel that says that the punk movement gave rock back to the kids, this website like punk rock itself will do its part in the fight to keep rock free and flowing.  Gaston's goal is to allow honest Ramones fans to expand and spread to others the tunes of the fast four, particularly young fans that never saw the Ramones live are in for an experience of ear splitting proportions.  But that's not all Gaston is an avid collector of Ramones memorabilia, I am not gonna tell you what else you can find here, you have to do that yourself, so go, hop around.

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